Textiles can be made up of a multitude of fabrics of different natures, structures and range. They can also have very diverse applications, decorations and dyes. They are sensitive to light, humidity and temperature. They can be attacked by insects or pests and suffer greatly from handling and use.
Tapestries, fabrics or textiles are materials with high vulnerability and fragility and often need to be restored. In our workshop, we deal with the following treatments:
La Fundación Zuloaga viene trabajando con el equipo de Ecra desde hace una década, en trabajos de pintura sobre lienzo y cartón, papel, damasquinado y cerámica, con excelentes resultados. Es un placer tratar y trabajar con tan excelentes personas.
- Fundación Zuloaga
We have been working with them since 2020 and continue to rely on them for our restoration work. Magnificent professionals, with exquisite care for the pieces deposited and impeccable results. Very pleasant to work with and always demonstrate a collaborative attitude.