Archeological restoration

The process of restoring archaeology should involve all relevant specialized disciplines with a common coordination based on the heterogeneity of the materials that constitute the work of art to be restored.

When restoring archaeology we must understand the behavior of a wide range of materials covering different specialties such as restoring archaeological ceramics, restoring vessels, restoring coins, restoring bone, restoring ivory, restoring metals, bronzes, iron, lead, restoring archaeological glass or crystal, etc.

Clean Design

Empresa de restauración de obras de arte y patrimonio creada en el año 2000

Quality Materials

Grupo de profesionales especializados con titulación oficial en conservación y restauración de obras de arte y bienes culturales

Handmade Products

Modern technology for the perfect execution of conservation and restoration treatments.

Restoration services

Contemporary Art


Books and paper

Fabrics and textiles restoration

Decorative arts restoration


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